MEDIA: OLV / TV / Social / OOH / Website / Email / PR
ROLE: Creative Director
Explore St. Louis wanted to pull in more visitors from the Chicago market. But their budget was tight. Really tight. So instead of running another typical ad campaign inviting Chicagoans to visit, we resorted to something a little more untraditional: We kidnapped one of them.
This award-winning campaign used OOH/transit posters strategically-placed in and on buses and at key stops along the "L" to playfully announce that one of Chicago’s own has vanished, and provide clues as to his whereabouts by driving people to KidnappedChicagoan.com.
The campaign generated a ton of local news coverage, thousands of unique website visitors, and hundreds of voicemails from concerned Chicagoans offering well-wishes for a safe return to Chicago.
More importantly, no one got arrested. Yet.